
[IT] Google Earth 祝 日本語+日本 3D 対応!

September 13, 2006

New Version of Google Earth 4 Beta – V 4.0.2080

A new version of the Google Earth 4 Beta is out! If you go to the Google Earth download page you can download GE 4 and get the latest version of GE 4 Beta 4.0.2080. File size is actually a little smaller at 14 MBytes. (NOTE: doing a “Check for Update” in the application will NOT get you the new version – you have to download from Google as if it were your first time for GE 4) Here’s the scoop on the significant new features (since the last beta) from release notes):

・As I predicted – Japanese Language Support – Google has made a big effort with this release to support Japanese content. Go to the “Options” under “General to make your language selection. Now English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese.
・As mentioned earlier today there are many new layers for Japan including 3D Buildings for many cities in Japan.
・Caching of 3D models (new Collada format) to improve performance


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